Persistant problem of floppy scanning

I am sad to report that Avast IS, which I installed for testing purpose again scans floppy drive over and over. I turned off the virtualization feature from control panel, add remove, but it seems to turn itself on again and again after each update.
One more peculiar thing I noticed was that, if I wasn’t connected to internet (or my connection was not active at the moment, to be precise, due to provider’s malfunction), I couldn’t enter avast 5 is “change” option to turn off (or uninstall maybe ?) virtualization feature. This means that if one doesn’t have internet cannot change or remove avast 5 is…

There’s a bug in virtualization feature, which causes that floppy activity - for now, you’ll need to remove virtualization feature from avast setup. However, there’s another bug in setup and you’ll need to uninstall it twice (uninstall → reboot → uninstall again). Sorry about that.

;D (no offense intended, but that’s really funny :wink: )

Something fails during the first uninstall phase, so you’ll need to do that twice :-.… our avast installation gambrinus team will fix it asap.

np here pk :smiley: I don’t have any floppy drive ( so no need for me to uninstall anything) I was just reacting to your description when announcing the second bug ;D

Ok, will do it. :wink: Hope it works :slight_smile: Cross my fingers :slight_smile:

Well gambrinus is the name of a beer here, are they named after that…??
So that could explain why you have to uninstall it twice. ;D

They maybe had a beer to much ;D

I managed to turn off virtualization feature, but a question still remains: what abuot the need for internet connection when changing or uninstalling Avast? What would happen if I didn’t have internet connection and for example something serious happened to my system? This is, I think a real problem. I didn’t try from safe mode, but not all computer users know to enter safe mode, or what is it for. Some might not even know that it exists.
Many regards! :slight_smile: