phishing site x network shield


I have a web address and that is a phishing site.

Where do I send this address for the avast it to detects ?

Thanks !!!

Post is here with hxxp instead of http (i.e., not a live link).

Hello Tech

How are you ?

But I would like to know where to send.

Fine :slight_smile:

Well, the bloat email… Everything goes there… ::slight_smile:

And what should I put in the subject field of e-mail and your body ?

My body no, please ;D Its body :slight_smile:
You can do that, but as they receive a lot of email there, I think the faster will be posting in forums.


my bad english ;D


I test

Thanks :slight_smile:

I would suggest Undetected Malware - Network Shield as the subject and for the email body a brief explanation you have found a phishing site and no alert by the network shield.

The undetected malware bit should see it filtered into that area for analysis.

However, since the network shield isn’t actually looking for phishing sites but malicious sites and the web shield is looking for infected sites, then there is every possibility a phishing site might not fall under either of those categories.

have you tried scanning the URL here ?
click the " Submit a URL " tab, enter the url and scan it, when you have the result copy the URL in the address bar and post it here


Very good DavidR :smiley:


NoVirusThanks - 3/16 - INFECTED

Hi Henrique - RJ,

It has a bad WOT reputation on 3 counts:
It is reported in Phishtank":"
Netcraft risk rating red 10
Also look here:


Avira AntiVir

Always unbeatable !

Hi Henrique - RJ,

Why come to us then for verification and not verify with the competitor ;D

you could also could have found it here confirmed as a 100% phish :

I am certain avast will incorporate these finds in their web shield detection,


Thanks for information.
I put it in black list.
Best regards
Jan Sirmer

Avast is already detecting 8)

Henrique, thanks, that was faster than the other times, don’t you think?


is improving :slight_smile:

But Avira is still better …

Mainly in binarys

avast is better in pdf, exploits and scripts :slight_smile:

avast is not indicated for Brazilians due to trojans bankers and others binarys (games).