I have a rooted Galaxy S4, 2 of them. One, for no reason keeps getting deleted off my account. I am the ONLY one who has the password to the app, and the account. I go to the phone with it installed on it, and the app is up to date, I go to account and see my account in the Anti-Theft account, and It is checked in the box to use it. (Enable Avast Anti-Theft box, it is checked)
I recently deleted the accou nt then re-logged in with the account for the phone, and it showed back up in my web portal, then 2 days later same issue, not showing online anymore in my account.
What’s up? I entered the phone # for the phone into the app - could that be it - must I enter my account phone number in all the devices I have rather than the ph# for that device?
I assumed since it was logged into my account on the device the phone number did not matter, so used the phone number for that device when it asked for the phone number. IDK why it shows then deletes for no reason - I tried twice re-doing it as stated above, delete account off the app on the phone then re-add the account, each time it shows up again in my account then deleted off in a few days after?
It was working for 2 months, and this issue has just started happening the past 2 weeks. What is going on>