Phone lost. Google Cloud Messaging was updated. Can I still track it?

Hiya Avast Forum,
So I lost my phone on the 26th and the notifications tab on the site says it was connected to avast servers on the 27th and some changes were made.
Yesterday avast! Anti-Theft was installed on the device.
Yesterday avast! Mobile Security was uninstalled from the device.
Yesterday Google Cloud Messaging was updated.

I’ve reported this to the police and am trying to track my phone but always I get “Command timed out”

The phone was fully encrypted so I think they must have done a factory reset, and I’m hoping avast was reinstalled, but it looks like the phone is now connected to the finder’s account and that I can’t send any commands to it.
Do I have any hope of getting my phone back?

PS. I opened a ticket with this exact same information as I think time is important and I am a bit desperate for an answer.

you can always try to use SMS commands to remote control the phone.

do you have the IMEI of the device?

ps send your imei to holzner at, dont post it here.

Thanks Holtzer,
Email sent.

I’ve also sent SMS to the phone but I don’t think my SIM is in the phone any more…
Still, I’ve not yet cancelled the SIM in the hope that they plug it in to use it and then I can catch them.