[ photo-v2.jpg ] Not being detected by avast!

Hello every one

About two months ago, i did send ( photo-v2.jpg ) to avast using the virus chest tab, but no detection so far.

So i resent the files ( photo-v2.jpg + autorun.inf ) but still no luck, no detection.

This is the content of ( autorun.inf ) :

shellexecute=Wscript.exe /e:vbs photo-v2.jpg

This is the virustotal report :


The files are attached in a ZIP file.

I changed the extention just to prevent accidental opens.

Any help!

Avast! does not take samples via the forum, so you might as well remove that attachment.

The 2 methods to use are send to virus@avast.com, or submit via right-click from the virus chest.

And yes, I can and do read well enough to know you already did one of those. :wink: All I can suggest is send it to the labs again though.

Hopefully u can keep this topic intact with the attachment…I have PM’ed Milos…he will take a look at your attachment :wink:

detection will be added.

Attachement removed.



Finally, I will leave the manual removal


Just found an other version of ( photo-v2.jpg ) with this MD5



It isn’t detected by avast

I did send it to virus[at]avast.com

Hope for soon addition

lolwut? A photo is a virus?

No,it’s just a virus,“bound” with a picture,it also works with .mp3 files etc.