picture of antitheft

I have a problem withe the layout of the desktop browser

I cannot see in desktop browser (i tried firefox,i.e,chrome) the picture taken with antitheft option in avast mobile. I mean on the browser of my samsung s3 i can see in notification the attachment to download the picture but in desktop browser the link to download th picture does not exist.

See the picture.

Could anyone help me?


I have the same problem, photos are not available. Please explain. Thx.

This is a bug in new design and should be partially solved now; please try. Thanks for reporting.

No it doesn’t work

I am having the same problem. I cannot see the anti-theft pictures online with the new website design. I tried with firefox, explorer, and in chrome… I have no luck. Do you when this will be fixed? This is the only reason why I purchased the premium service. Now I can’t use.

This is my reply from another forum on where is this documents folder for when you remotely take a picture from your phone.


So I kept looking about where to find this documents folder, and I did something that might be the solution.

When I logged in to my account online, I clicked the setting cogwheel icon on top, and clicked on “Google Drive Settings” I tried to enable it and followed the next steps. Then I tried to remotely take a picture after that, and it did show up on my google drive account online.

So I guess that’s how we can find the photos we take, instead of documents folder which I think is in their servers but no way to access it, and their customer service number is no help especially for mobile users! they don’t even have customer service to call for help, and I was even charged twice for 1 purchase! which I had to send a ticket request for refund.

Hope this helps other users.

Yesterday se released new version of my avast website, please try and report bere if the bug is still there. Many thanks.