Even with avast antivirus software installed, piress user account was created automatically with administrator rights. I have deleted the account. But im not sure whether the virus is removed from the system.
It is likely this is something above and beyond, else you might not be here asking for help. Repairing an infected system comes with the adage, ‘do no harm’, so please read and run the four programs listed in the “Logs to assist in cleaning malware” and attach the resulting logs, if you can.
[ol]- AdwCleaner
will suffice for now. Other programs are stronger and used only if the situation warrants it, on the judgement of the malware expert assisting you. NOTE: Not an issue here, but copies of Combofix @ bleepingcomputer dot com have been recently been infected with the Sality virus, so just to be safe, do not run this program unless told to do so by your expert assisting you.