Grandparents bought me a laptop.
It has a 1024MB ATI mobility Radeon HD 4560 series Graphics Card
AMD turion X2 Dual-Core Mobile RM-74
For example. The text from Runescape is missing pixels of the writing… =(
You can’t really see it. I couldn’t upload in BMP
Then post the png to somewhere like photobucket and use the IMG link in the post or convert the image to jpg format which you can attach, keep the file size down to a dull roar for poor saps on dial-up, e.g. crop so it just shows the relevant parts not a full screen shot.
There you go
Not much to see but when it’s on every part of the screen it is annoying =)
Using imageshack, when you upload an image it also gives you an image tag version of the image ^IMG^path to image^IMG^
I have changed the < opening and closing bracket of the tag > with ^ so as not to have the forum software expecting something that isn’t there.
So that would directly import the image into the post when it is opened so the user doesn’t have to go to imageshack. However I was expecting something a little larger were you might actually see what the problem is rather than what is the identical image that you posted earlier ???