ok i am asking how to allow playon to run thru advast without interupption
What is playon and why is it being interrupted (e.g any avast alerts or playon errors, etc.) ?
hi county18753,
DavidR is asking for more information.
Information such as the version of Avast! you are running (Free, Avast! Pro, or Avast! Internet Security) will help to troubleshoot your issue with “playon”. If the firewall is not a part of the Avast! suite (Avast! Free, and Avast! Pro antivirus do not have a built-in firewall) need to know if you are running Windows Firewall or a third-party firewall. Information as to what version of Windows will also be helpful here.
More info about “playon”
See attached .jpeg for what it is and what it does.
Given that Playon is acting as a media server connecting to the internet and streaming to a local network device it has potentially two areas where it is likely to interact with avast’s web shield.
But since I don’t know how it streams (what protocol is used) on either the download from the internet to its local media server and then streams to local network device, it is hard to say if that interaction is the problem without actually knowing what problems ‘county18753’ is experiencing.
However, I suspect it may be using HTTP protocol for the download from the internet, if that doesn’t follow strict HTTP protocol then the web shield is going to have problems as that is the expected protocol (if using http ports which it redirects into its proxy for scanning).
Since playon is/may be acting a bit like browser for the download from the internet, there is a possibility of only having the web shield ‘Scan traffic from well-known browser processes only.’ This unfortunately opens a bit of a hole in security as it would apply to all such non well-known browser processes and not just playon.
Another possibility is to exclude the playon process in the web shield expert settings, Processes to exclude: field, this is the lessor of the two options. There is also a possibility of excluding the website the media is being downloaded from or not redirecting traffic for the IP addresses of either the internet site or the IP address of the local network device.
All of the above, depends on what the problem actually is.