I would like to know if I could be offered a discount for your endpoint protection plus av…I am a home user but I prefer to centrally manage avast! I currently have avast! internet security, and I was hoping I could get a deal on your endpoint protection plus av. so that I may manage avast! in my home, but before you say you are a home user and you don’t need that…Well I am a advanced computer person who has 2 servers in my home…and I was hoping to be able to get avast! endpoint protection plus so I could centrally manage avast! from my server…Please tell me if you could offer me a discount so that I may afford this endpoint protection plus.
Also when I do get that avast! endpoint protection plus from you, would it be activated like internet security is?
With a license File? Please tell me if you could offer me a deal to be able to afford your avast! endpoint protection plus av and answer my question about if it would be activated using a license file like in internet security.
Hi Timothy,
Please contact us directly with your avast! customer number or email address (linked to your Internet Security license) at business-sales@avast.com, so we can provide you with a price quotation for an upgrade into avast! business products with centralized management.
Avast! business products can be activated by license file the same way as your Internet Security.