PLEASE HELP can't see the bootime Scan Screen

I cant see the bootime Scan Screen when I do a bootime scan, so I do not know what to do and press for moving to chest etc. I think it is in the dos/command/bios screen thingy the blue or black screen showing you what is being scaned and what to do for example: press 7 to move to chest press 5 to do whatever etc

please help!!!

What operating system is that?
What computer is that? (notebook, desktop, basic HW configuration…)

Windows XP

Sorry Desktop
Windows XP

Do you have SP3?

no i think it’s still sp2

its working fine on my home pc but here at work i can’t see the screen showing the files being scanned
Even when i use system mechanics reg cleaner and do a reg compressing ( which normally shows during startup) there is only a blank screen

do you thinks my BIOS/Command Screen is Stuffed?

Please post the content of the file C:\boot.ini

Humm I Hope This Is It:

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS=“Microsoft Windows XP Professional” /noexecute=optin /fastdetect /noguiboot


Regardless to your problem, I would update to SP3, asap…!! (If you are on a 32 bit system…!)


The parameter /noguiboot is most likely causing the problem. If you remove it (you may have to reset the attributes of the file first, because it’s probably set to read-only / system / hidden and you couldn’t store the changes otherwise), it should be fixed, most likely without any side effects (unless you have tools like SoftIce installed ;)).
However, avast! should be looking for that parameter and remove it temporarily… I’ll check if it works.

What version of avast! do you have - 4 or 5?

I’m using V5
And yes i Had Softice on but its uninstalled now. (don’t ask) :-[ :-X

Well, you can remove that switch. The worst thing that can happen (unless you change anything else in the boot.ini file!) is that the SoftIce screen will be corrupted… in which case you can put it there back later.

Ok I deleted that part and saved it.

Should I restart? will it crash the system? is tit save?

If you saved the change, the boot-time scanner should be visible now.

IGOR!!! MY MAN!!! You ARE A TRUE Legend!!!

Thanks It Worked.

The reason i need to do it is because i got a “Autorun.inf” that keeps jumping to our memory sticks (flash Drives) and then i cannot format it until i restart my pc, after i pull it out and plug it back in the damn thing is back on

Glad it worked.
Do you remember what were the attributes of the boot.ini file? I’m trying to find out why the avast! check didn’t work…

Panda USB and AutoRun Vaccine
How to disable the Autorun functionality in Windows
Update to the AutoPlay functionality in Windows

i don’t Under Stand what you mean Doktornotor
Please Clarify