Please help me on my free Avast5.0 Web Protection

I am from china. And my english level is a little poor ,so sorry!

   I love Avast and an Browser.But Avast don't Support it. And the Browser named "SogouExplorer".It's very popular in china.

   I had to change the Proxy Server,but the speed I surfing internet came slow when I changed it.So I don't want to change it.

   And I know to Modify named "WebShield.ini ". But it's fail. I don't know why this way don't work on win7 OS ,however it works on Win XP OS.    Ps: I know the     "WebShield.ini "  is in programdata document on win7.

   hope you will do me a favor.Or the Avast will support more and more Browser.

   Thank you much!

汉语语言, 漢語語言
Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional


Hi guys,
this is the english section of the forum…! :wink:
Chinese section here:

Well, don’t you think that board is quite isolated, desserted, inaccessible, of low utility…
Avast! got to do more on the burgeoning market like China…
And there aren’t many people with an acquaintance with Avast! in China, not to mention those to pay for Pro or IS versions…

It has only been started some days ago (4th of june), so it needs time to spread the news and develop…!

Well time to fill that board a bit more ^^

Well, let me do some dissemination then…

I’m sure it will be highly appreciated…! :slight_smile: (from users and devs)