I am currently running Avast! 4 on my Win98 computer, but lately I have been having problems with it. I’ve been trying to start up my computer since yeesterday, and everything comes on normally, but once Avast! starts up, the computer freezes, and i get the Blue Screen of Death when I try to shut it down, when the Ctrl-Alt-Del menu comes up, the computer is already frozen enough so that I have to restart the computer, when i try to uninstall, the uninstaller preforms an illegal program, and i can’t figure out how to shut it down before my computer freezes, my question is thus: How do I shut down Avast! without using Ctrl-Alt-Del in a few minutes? I can’t seem to do it and it is driving me crazy.
Which is the error message of the Blue Screen of Death?
Do you have any other antivirus in your system? Have in the past?
Can you boot in safe mode (pressing F8 while booting) and uninstall avast…
Eh, the message on the blue screen is “Your computer is currently busy. Press any key to continue.” My compy hard drive just got wiped, so no more traces of past AntiViruses, never tried safe mode, thanks for letting me know of that.
Also, apparently, AshServ is the thing that is stopping my computer, that have anything to do with it?
Do you mean you formated before installing avast?
ashServ.exe is the resident module of avast. If it crashes, avast! crashes.
Do you have any firewall? Which one?
Any other security program that could bringing any conflict to avast?
Not sure about the formatting part, I wasn’t the one who installed it. No firewall, no other security systems…none of that.
Based on the “no security programs”, I would encourage
you to read the info provided by an associate of Ad-Aware
Experts at :
http://members.accessbee.com/mitch/PhantomPhixer.html .
There is good info on IE/OE Settings and good & FREE
programs in its “Newbie And Oldie’s list” section .