I have been haveing problems with or home computer being i have no clue to what im doing i called my dsl provider qwest and she says i might have a virus i said it was just a seasonal head cold she said no on your computer so i went to cnet down loaded this program { this i figured out all on my own thank you] now i open the avasnti program and it starts all of a sudden a box opens says not to panic i have a worm /trojan something wgensham i dont know and i do not know what steps i should follow to get rid of this thing i hope this plea for help does not spread the dam thing if any one can send directions i would be indetted to them so please if you offer advice rember i really do not know that mudh
There is insufficient information to even attempt to help. "something wgensham i dont know " really isn’t helpful.
Help us to Help you - check again and make a note of what is said in the warning. You can then search the forums with the exact name of the worm/trojan.
First go to the User’s FAQ thread in the Off Topic forum. There is a lot of good general information and not least the information we need to try and help you.
HTH David
When Avast notifies you of a potential virus infection, it normally gives you options to Delete, Move or Repair.
If not, open the Avast virus scanner and run a full scan setting the scan to Thorough including Archived files (this is done using the little pop up tabs you will see when you select which drive you are about to scan)
Then, Avast WILL STOP when it encounters a potential infection. Avast will not continue the scan unless you tell it to do so. Do not continue the scan until you fix the virus.
This can be done by selecting one of the options. If you recognize the file as a virus name such as Win32trojan or winbeagle etc, then delete or repair.
If the file name is NOT familiar, then MOVE it to the vault until you determine what the file is and if it is needed.
Continue this procedure until the computer is virus free.
were you able to fix your problem with the win 32 trojan virus or whatever that is?