I’ve just updated Avast for my phone. However I can not access Avast on the device. Application avast! Free Mobile Security has always asked about PIN Recovery and asked me: “Please set the recovery phone number in the Settings”. I do not know what a “PIN Recovery” and do not know how to set.
Your application has become troublesome and difficult to use. I do not know what to do.
Please help, if not I have to uninstall the avast! Free Mobile Security, honestly I love it!
Please use the Vietnamese if possible, my english is very bad, I’m sorry if I misspelled.
Thank you!
Minh Hùng
I’m afraid we don’t have anyone speaking Vietnamese so English will have to do.
The PIN recovery feature is there to help you if you forget your PIN. You don’t have to set it if you don’t want to, but it is highly encouraged to do it. The PIN recovery is actually a phone number an SMS will be sent to containing a temporary PIN to access the app. The PIN will last for 30 minutes so you can go to the Settings and change the PIN to whatever you want. You will find the PIN recovery number in Settings-Recovery phone number.
PS: Replied to your email as well.