I have a few questions i need to know about Avast Home edition.
When i visit a website that contains virus, Avast gave me a few options like Abort or Delete files. What i want to know is that, do you need to close the web browser before selecting the Abort/Deletes Files option or select the Abort/Delete Files option first before closing the internet browser?
I noticed there are a few mode when selecting the “Scan Local Drives” option in Avast, they are Quick, Normal or Thorough Scan. What i want to ask is that, when i schedule a boot-time scan, the scanner(boot-time scan) in working in which mode? Is it Quick, Normal or Thorough Scan?
When i do boot-time scan, there’s an option where i can select to scan archive file. Is it necessary to scan archive file?
What is the difference between boot-time scan and scanning my computer after windows started? Which is better?
When i scan a file or folder by right-clicking on it and select the “scan with Avast” option, Avast starts scanning it. But why Avast do not give me a report if the file is infected or not after the scan?
If i use multiple anti-virus programs in my computer, for example Avast and AVG together, can this somehow make the virus spread more seriously when both anti-virus software detects the same virus?
Does Avast’s virus data base covers all the existing viruses? Can Avast detects a new virus that is not in its data base?
The Web Shield gives but one option, abort the connection. This stops the infected item being downloaded, it doesn’t drop your internet connection. You need do nothing other than click Abort Connection. Since this detection is of an item not on your system but the internet the option is simply don’t download it ‘abort connection.’
The Standard Shield which detects infected files on your HDD gives more options.
The boot time scan is different to the on-demand scan and when you select the schedule boot-time scan you get limited options.
see 2 above and image 3.
they do different jobs and you don’t need to do a boot-time scan unless there is a problem that can’t be dealt with in an on-demand scan, e.g. a file in use. It obviously won’t be in use before windows starts.
because it is a quick scan, to give a report wouldn’t be quick, you only get notification (by default) if something you scan is infected. You can enable reporting in Program Settings, Common, ‘Show results of Explorer Extension.’
Having two resident scanners installed is not recommended as rather than provide twice the protection it can cause conflicts that could leave you more vulnerable.
No single AV can detect 100% you are also talking about viruses, there is adware, spyware, commonly trojans, etc. avast is primarily signature based but some of its generic signatures are designed to catch different variants of the same family group. You would be advised to have a multi-application approach. not two resident AV, but an anti-adware/spyware program.
Phew, that should keep you going, please limit the number of different questions other wise it gets complex and generates too many other question for people to follow.