Please inspect this file (new virus NOT DETECTED by AVAST!)

Hello support

I’ve received this orcamento.exe file in my email and suspected it as a virus dispite AVAST! not detected it

The file is at and inside is the infected exe

Please check the online VirusTotal report as well here

If you want I can send the file directly to you just say where please.

Many thanks in advance and please fix this ASAP
Ricardo Simoes

send it to with the password for the zip file (if you have password protected it) , the link to this topic in the body of the email and subject as : potential malware.

thanks for helping avast improve detection.


Actually it should be detected in the next virus database update since GData is already detecting it and that uses the same detection and virus database that Avast does (that virustotal link showd GData using a VDB with todays date and avast with yesterdays database).

GData is using Avast and Bitdefender virus engine, Bitdefender is detecting it !

Thanks! AVAST it is now detecting it!