SecureLine somehow installed itself on my computer in June without my permission. I don’t use it and I don’t want it and I have tried to remove it, to no avail. I ran the uninstaller and now it doesn’t show up under programs in control panel BUT IT IS STILL IN MY PROGRAM FILES AND THE UPDATER STILL REGULARLY POPS UP TO WREAK HAVOC ON MY COMPUTER. I downloaded AvastClear and ran it in safe mode but it is STILL THERE in the program files and still slowing my computer to a crawl. How can a company do this?? I need this thing off my computer, please help?


Please see this article on uninstalling residual files
If you have Avast Anti-virus installed please also see this article

Furthermore, could you please go to the Task Manager and add a screenshot showing Secureline still running.
To add a screenshot see “Attachments and other options” below the reply box when posting.

Hi, thank you for the information. I don’t have any other Avast software, to the best of my knowledge I have never downloaded any (possibly some slipped by in another download?). The problem seems to have arisen around the time I downloaded an Office suite, but I have since removed that and there is no trace of it on my computer, yet the Avast files remain. I can’t download a screen shot of Avast Secureline updater running in task manager right now because it only happens occasionally (but when my computer begins to freeze and become unusable it is invariably there). I will attach a screenshot of the Avast Secureline folder that remains in my files. The orange blob icon beside “Secureline VPN updater” is, I believe, what also appears in task manager.

I have added a screen shot of the start up tab from my task manager as I just realized Avast SecureLine always shows there.