PLEASE read my feedback on Avast Secure Browser PRO

I have the pro version and the issues mentioned have been occurring from the beginning:

  1. PLEASEEEEE disconnect the Accuweather app you have integrated into the browser and integrate one that allows me to set my location. All this one does is give me the weather for other cities. Yesterday it was Ottawa, today it is Hamilton, most other days it’s been Toronto. I live in NONE of these cities, nor have I travelled to any of them recently. I have clicked through to AccuWeather try to set my location but it gives no option to set a standard location and only let’s you look up a city… still I did that and it did not solve the problem of showing another city’s weather on my browser. I can’t tell you how really frustrating this is even though it’s a small thing… I even turned off the ability of sites to check my location to see if it would let me set a location on the browser weather section and still it does not… it continues to show me other cities’ weather and not my own and gives me no way to change it. (If someone knows how to solve this aggravating problem, please speak up.)

  2. I have repeatedly had my paid browser reset to the unpaid version… and then I have to go through the irritating process of getting my key and plugging it back in in order to have the paid functions.

  3. I have encountered 3 problems with sites that won’t work properly with this browser so I’m going to pass that on to you: a) Paramount Plus Canada won’t play; b) MBNA (a bank site) will not allow log-in; c) For some reason, when shopping on Amazon Canada, it will not allow me to get Lightning Deals (it puts in the regular price, not the sale price) but when I switched over to Microsoft Edge I could get the deals.

  4. Please get rid of the very boring and generic image when the browser loads … it was so nice at first with the lady with the flowers… very lovely when I subscribed… now it’s a very generic and boring image that I don’t like at all. Why go from attractive to unattractive? Makes no sense to me.

  5. Please get some more background images. I use the dark theme and it seems we have a total of only 3 or 4 backgrounds. I know there’s got to be lots of cheap or free images available that would fit the theme and using only 3 or 4 becomes very boring fast. By the way, I would love to be able to add images myself that would display on my browser background when it loads.

P.S. I just updated to the newest version but I checked the weather thing and still no change.


thank you for reaching us.

  1. The AccuWeather widget should offer a forecast of your location, this is by feature and because you are using VPN which uses different IPs, which means different locations for the weather app, it may show the weather of the location used by VPN.

  2. We will try to investigate your problem and get back to you

  3. Please could you try to open this link in you browser secure://security-privacy-center/ and open a tile “Privacy Guard”, there in the popup click on the settings (small clickable text), and on the “Privacy Guard” try to change to different blocking settings, then go to any page you have the problem with and reload the page by pressing F5 key on the keyboard. This should help.
    If you then want to have a more secure blocking setting, repeat the steps above and make browsing more secure again.

  4. The next browser version should have the option to change the background per user and upload user backgrounds, so stay tuned…

Regarding 1)

Could you please provide us with the diagnostic information (Settings icon in the top right corner > Help and About Avast Secure Browser > About Avast Secure Browser > Diagnostic information) so that we can understand the scope of the problem, as we are unable to reproduce it on our end.