Hello everybody
please think about newbies or unexperinced users
make NG component optional (already possible from install) but also on update from avast ui
display a warning like this:
caution NG component use virtualization to incresase detection of malware
if you are already using virtualization either don’t install NG or discard any other hypervisor
also very quickly please
solve installation problems with or without NG(on windows 8.1 64 bits update is rarely good, very often we have “avast ui failed”
and we need avast clear followed by full install!
with NG solve windows snapshot problems : when NG is installed all windows snapshots with auto release attribute becomes
permanent so disk space is eated quickly
also please please clarify your captcha
My feeling is if you don’t solve theses bugs a lot of people leave avast to another AV,
please think all people are not geeks
Best regards