pls help me, my phone was stolen a while ago,
i have sms controlled it with “LOST” & “LOCATE”
but before being able to locate it in the exact place,
the phone was turned off,
the sim was probably thrown away,
a new sim hasnt been sent yet to the “friends no.”
there is a screen lock, and they would probably format it,
my phone is rooted, as the developer suggests, it would survive hard resets,
but my friend told me that if the thief would perform a “REPROGRAM” the anti theft would not survive and be deleted,
usb debugging was disabled,
i did not enable avast lock and siren so that the thieves (hopefully) wont notice the app.
the force wireless network was not enabled as well.
is there anyway i can retrieve my phone?
will the app survive a reprogramming of the phone?
can i access its location even without a sim and wireless network or wifi,
pls help me,
i’ve spent all my money on this phone,
please help,
i would very much appreciate any help and would do everything i can to repay in favor,
awtz, im just panicking, ill jz change it,
anyway i can find it with out a sim?
or a chance they would insert a sim?
since it has a “screen lock” (not the avast lock)
they would probably format it,
worst scenario,
if they reprogram it, as my friend says, the anti theft would be wiped out as well
without SIM its impossible to do anything.
if they just hard reset you’ll be fine.
at the end you’ll see how it works out… you have max. protection you can have.