Pls Help..this is my assignment!

Pls help me count how many triangles r there in the figure!
(Pls see attachment!)

Thanks in advance^^


27 ???

that’s an assignment >.^?

A little off topic don’t you think?

:wink: Have some fun ;D :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: But yeh, Gotta keep thinking

I think it’s 31 now =o

Yes it is a little off topic but i nid help…

Yes this is an Assignment!^^

Is it 31?^^

Can someone confirm this pls…


-= I found 32… We have a little same assignment dont we…?

-= Doing my homework now while counting cubes…

Gahh!! My assignments are full of work =P

I think your right Fenrir, Forgot the middle one -.- 32 it is

-= Post it… We’ll try to help… Students should help their fellow students… hehe… :wink:

:stuck_out_tongue: But you mostly got to do them in class, There hard too >.> Maths = Algebra and Cartography mapping +simultaneous equations! And poetry? and we can’t forget history >:(

Top of class for ITC (Microsoft Office stuff - Makes me feel like quitting) and science though ;D

:'(I answered wrong!

My answer was 32…(which was the answer of Husk)

The correct answer was 37 triangles!

Thanks for ur help guys^^
