pls verivy ths url

plz check ths url its spamming at FB JUST NOW… ITS MAKE ALL everyone status is same… :‘( :’( :‘( :’(

Sorry, don’t get it…???

iam affraid its facebook spam plug in… stealing the FB ID

Hi there are issues there:
Facebook malware reported there:

I quote from Indonesian:

This afternoon I found many posts on Facebook, which seems Malware, for whatever purpose just for fun or have any other purpose behind it like FB account hacked us or simply aiming to raise Hits (number of visitors) that link. Here are the links I found:

kalo lo w salahin not going to look in ni people laughing hxtp:// → I call “Trash Malware”

hiks hiks … … … hiks just drop by from htxp:// COOL swearr bgt … game … stop by → I call the “COOL Malware”

source Google Translate
MBAM anti-malware will cleanse this malware, get download here:
Could be a Twitterworm infection via google url shortener…
