

Like many of users of avast I see the alert about point.lotusiloveyou.com I did scan with FRST as any other scans doesnt help. Atached file please advise. Thank you

Hi Przemyslaw8

there is a malicious entry in your registry. Open regedit (Win+R, type regedit), navigate to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies and there shloud be an entry named “Shell” with value “explorer.exe,msiexec.exe /i http://poi…”. Delete it.

Then run (via Win+R dialog) control schedtasks. Select “Task Scheduler Library” in the left panel. In the list in the middle select “PowerWord-SCT-JT” task and delete it.

Then reboot your computer.

Let me know if it worked.


No any Avast messages in couple of hours so looks like its work for me. Thank you