I’m curious what you think about this…
Hi OrangeCrate,
Whenever this is brought in to really curb spyware, and is not used as a pre-text to come to some form of Internet censorship, we can only welcome it. Because an even greater evil is not tackled, going by the name of spam, I would evaluate developments very critically, when I were you. What do you think yourself, my friend?
“Previous versions of the bill drew support from a number of high-tech companies, including Yahoo, eBay, AOL Time Warner, Dell, Microsoft and EarthLink, according to Rush and Barton.”
I guess I generally would follow the lead of the industry. If they think it’s a good thing, it probably is.
There is a logical progression of information from a link in that article to this:
and then to this:
However, after scanning the last article, I think I’m going to have to build a pitcher of martinis before I try to wade through it…
To answer your question directly, I am a great believer that trying to legislate stupidity is a waste of time and effort, but this is probably a step in the right direction.
This is potentially a big deal here in the states, so, I’ll be interested in other opinions and reactions…
Hi OrangeCrate,
Well the States is leading the way, it is the backbone to it all. So whatever rain you have there, will drip off here…
the European polonus