Poll,AVAST popularity and credibility.

avast has many problems in version 5.
If you can not resolve a problem do you exchange avast for another antivirus?

Where is VIPRE? It is a good choice nowadays.

OF COURSE NOt, I won’t ever change Avast, I have never problems related to Avast, most of the problems that I’ve had is because of computer settings but never for Avast. What’s my reason to change?

never experienced any problems - have been using avast 4 many years (4.x/5.x)…

I changed kaspersky internet security 2010 for avast internet security 5 and now im having problems with avast. >:(

next is norton.

as u wish, master. it’s ur life, ur pc, ur choice…
be happy…! :slight_smile:

Yet another totally pointless and off-topic poll ???

If you are having a problem with avast I’m sure you are able to make your mind up without help. If you don’t like it you can either go back to 4.8 or try anther AV, that choice is ‘entirely yours.’

cako, I’m a relatively calm person but you seem to be quite good at making my heart beat slightly faster whenever I see a new post written by you.

I mean, really, isn’t it time to move on? If you just go to your profile and read your last 20 posts, you’ll probably see what I 'm talking about…


i absolutely agree…!
but some people like the polls (very very very much)… :wink:

hi vlk,
never met u, but hope/think ur a calm person, regarding forum-traffic…
as i can’t see, what u see - i can only imagine (also having the ‘fun’ 2 admin some sites)… g
never give up! :wink:
regs asyn

There are plenty of AV out there to choose from, so if one have incompatibility with
your system, just pick another one and move on. After all AV are just a piece of Software…

When they give me help… we can solve problems and avast never leave my system.

agreed ::slight_smile: the OP doesn’t care about the poll results, he’s just here to bash Avast.

If I had a problem with avast! that couldn’t be resolved would I move on? Of course. But this hardly seems like the venue for discussing the alternatives. ;D

I strongly oppose censorship, but even I find this thread to be in poor taste.

if there is a problem i think not in avast, but the user who don’t know how to limit itself of using this software.

LOL ;D ( I am sorry Vlk :-[ )

Greetz, Red.

ho my god, I hope that is not love, I like blonde womens ;D ;D ;D
if you take viagra and read my topic you will have a heart attack…
just kidding ;D ;D
I’m sorry, but dont be angry,…or do not shoot in my knees.
I have this problem with the P2P shield and no one told me something like:
yes, we will investigate, or we will test your problem and try to find a solution.
nobody from ALWIL said that.

I mean, really, isn't it time to move on?
[u][b]i cant.[/b][/u] the problem is the avast, I would like to see the avast worked 100% not 90% or 99.99% just only 100% . [u]I dont never give up[/u] when a problem appears, but I do not know how to solve this [u][b]alone[/b][/u]. nobody give me definite suport.

I’m sorry.
I will continue to use avast, and I will continue insisting on a solution.
even ignored by the support of ALWIL.
Thank you for your patience vlk

We have read your P2P post (certainly I have) and you don’t have a problem, other than not understanding how p2p and the avast p2p shield work/interact. Even though I don’t use a P2P application I understand how many of them function and how avast would scan the data being downloaded.

The nature of how p2p applications work, downloading small parts of a whole file (possibly from multiple locations) adding it to a part file, this file is constantly modified and each time it is modified the file will be scanned again, depending on that file size this could be hundreds of times for that one file until the download is complete.

For avast to scan it 5 times in a second isn’t a problem if your p2p application downloads 5 or more parts of the file into that single file, avast will still be able to keep up with that. On a regular on-demand scan avast can scan hundreds of files in a second without a problem, the restricting points tend to be your CPU, RAM and hard disk as if they aren’t fast then avast will frequently be waiting for the data to be read from the HDD, etc.

Your problem is that despite numerous people in that topic telling you that this is normal you don’t believe them.

thanks for answer.
like I said nobody believes in me and I have to keep repeating the same thing forever.
this problem does not happen in version 396.
updates is to improve not get worse.

The nature of how p2p applications work, downloading small parts of a whole file (possibly from multiple locations) adding it to a part file, this file is constantly modified and each time it is modified the file will be scanned again, depending on that file size this could be hundreds of times for that one file until the download is complete.

For avast to scan it 5 times in a second isn’t a problem if your p2p application downloads 5 or more parts of the file into that single file, avast will still be able to keep up with that. On a regular on-demand scan avast can scan hundreds of files in a second without a problem, the restricting points tend to be your CPU, RAM and hard disk as if they aren’t fast then avast will frequently be waiting for the data to be read from the HDD, etc.

I understand.
but avast should not be able to stand it?
why the version 4.8 and version 396 does not have this problem ???
I do not know.
but I will not change to other antivirus.
but i would like to see this fixed

You keep repeating thing as you say because nobody believes you. The shoe is on the other foot as many beople (not just one) has told you that it is working as it should, yet ‘you don’t believe’ them.

avast can stand it it can scan hundreds of files in a second so dealing with p2p scans isn’t an issue for it, what is is some systems aren’t up to the task and cause a bottleneck (CPU, HDD & RAM) which can affect your system performance during p2p downloads.

The problem is when you keep repeating yourself despite what others say then people stop listening a little like the little bog who kept crying wolf and when it came no one listened.