Dozens of similar errors every day on all workstations:
POP from server failed [0xA410, res timestamp: 1253870699].
What’s up?
Dozens of similar errors every day on all workstations:
POP from server failed [0xA410, res timestamp: 1253870699].
What’s up?
This also just started to happen on one of our Windows 2003 Servers that runs SQL 2000. We also get this associated error with it:
12/2/2009 2:59:58 AM Application Popup Error None 333 N/A SERVER01 An I/O operation initiated by the Registry failed unrecoverably. The Registry could not read in, or write out, or flush, one of the files that contain the system’s image of the Registry.
The SQL databases start to fail to respond as the server continues to become slower and slower and eventually fails to respond and needs to be powered off to recover. This server is currently running with 10GB of memory, but I’ve bumped it to 15GB do to this issue to see if this gives us more time between failures. This is the first reboot we have done sice the installation of the avast client, if we still experiance issues our next step is to turn off the avast client.
Thanks in advance for any insight to this issue
which error log do those come from?
if its the avast logs itself then i suggest to also look in the eventviewers from windows itself
The POP error comes from the Avast log out of the event viewer the other comes from the system log from the Windows server.
installed any updates?
something must have changed since the time that it worked good
updates, rights, file corruption (bad sector on disk)…
No updates have been installed. This is a production server that is used 7x24x365, it’s a major thing to be able to take this system down and do any updates to it. Only thing we’ve come up with is that Avast was installed to it but never rebooted and with our one outage window in November this server was rebooted for the first time since April. That is the only thing that has changed on this system.
why didnt you reboot after installing avast??
avast is not fully functional after the first time installation without a reboot and therefor leaving the server unprotected…
always reboot a computer after installing this kind of lowlevel programs…
i assume that you dont run the latest version of avast either on the server then? (if i remember correctly the new version for avast net clients was released on may 28th 2009)
try to update to the latest version AND reboot the server this time after installing
This is a Production SQL server that gets used 24 X 7 x 365. At the time of the install we were not able to reboot this system. We have corrected the issue by removing the Avast client from this server. As “unprotected” as this server may seem, only SQL connections from our application servers are allowed and those have antivirus protection.
well, im a supporter to have AV protection on all servers
but i hear others also say that certain production servers are running without protection because of the limited connections they receive… so its a judgement call to let it run without, but beware ( i see your form the US so getting fired is easier) that when that box gets infected, its your b*tt that gets infected with your bosses foot and most likely a damage claim…
ps: why not upgrade to 2008 family?