Pop-up bug in Avast

There seems to be a bug in Avast in that it shows the “Licence is about to expire” popup even if the “Silent if a full-screen application is running” is checked and a full screen application is running. Even worse, it even pops-up when I explicitly have the “Silent/Gaming Mode” setting checked.

I’m running an Avast Pro 7.0.1407 (English) on Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (English).

Is the date and time correct on your machine?

Did this problem occur before or after you changed version of Avast from 6 to 7? Did you do an upgrade via the GUI or a fresh uninstall/reinstall?

Have you tried doing an Avast Repair:

Vista & Win7 Users:

  • Control Panel
  • Programs & Features
  • Uninstall a Program > Select Avast Antivirus
  • Click the Change/Remove button and scroll down to Repair
  • Click Next and follow.
  • Reboot.

I’m afraid that’s not a bug, but rather a feature. Some time ago, we found out that quite a lot of people use expired versions of the program (that don’t update their virus definitions anymore), possibly because they have silent mode set and have never seen those expiration warnings.
So yes, the expiration popups don’t obey the silent mode setting.

Thank you for clarifying Igor. :slight_smile:

Hmmm… I don’t like the idea like it is now.
I think if the version is about to expire, the popup should obey the silent/game mode. They’re using the license till the end. I think this popup could be not automatic though, to avoid being shown when the user is not in front of the computer.
If the version is already expired, I would be even more radical, I would post a permanent message (in desktop) like Windows does with pirated versions (although, of course, expired is not pirated).
If the version is pirated, I would post a topmost message asking for freewarization :slight_smile:

Igor, what do you think?

Well, if this is by design, I have to say that it’s a really bad design decision. To give you a real world example, as of right now our Avast licence is about to expire and I haven’t had time to calculate the number of clients/servers in order to buy a new license. So the consequence is that, for example, Powerpoint presentations are interrupted by this reminder. If this happens at the wrong time, it could be a major problem.

I thought that this was a bug, and I could have lived with it for now - since the license expires rather seldom and I would assume that it would be fixed next time it happend. But if this is indeed a design decision, i e that you have a feature that let’s you, for whatever reason, disable pop-up’s, and then have another feature that ignores that setting, then it’s really saying to your paying customers that you know better than us whether we actually wants to show pop-up’s or not. I would strongly advice you to have another discussion regarding this design decision.

Thanks for this thread as I have just started one about the same thing. I think Sid1996 gives my thoughts over better than my words could ever do. He comes up with the exactly same solution GET RID OF IT, a really, REALLY! bad idea. I like the idea of a desktop warning, for either out of date or pirated versions, really good idea Sid. 8) 8) 8)