Lately after a pop up update there follows a sale promo pop up for $9.99. When Im quick enough to click on it…it goes to “This Page Not Found”. Can anyone tell what this is and how to take advantage of it? I tried Googling it with no help.
It is a reduced price promotion for the avast Pro version, right click on the avast tray icon and select Show last popup message. That should display it again and you should be able to get to the page the Buy now link works for me if I choose to click on it. But you are at no obligation to do so or buy it.
Btw just tried it and got the Avast Header and ERROR underneath…twice. Oh well guess it was never ment to be. Free version it pretty darn good anyway…Again thanks for the info!
There is a problem with it at the moment as I believe the Buy now button wasn’t/isn’t taking you to the correct page, e.g. the one with the summer offer price of 9.99.
This price error has been reported in the forums, so I would think that they have probably withdrawn the page until this is corrected.