POP3 and SMTP won't work :-(

At my mothers PC Forte Agent has stoppet working, and avast! is the source.
If I stop the mail shield everything works.
If the mail shield is on I get “connection closed unexpectedly” or “10060” or “10053”
Server are “pop.domeneshop.no” 110 no encryption
And “smtp.domeneshop.no” 587 no encryption.
110 and 587 are added to the ports to redirect in avast!
Also I have tried to add both server to the SSL list, but with encryption none.
Still no go.
Only thing that works is to disable the mail shield.

Getting a bit tired of avast!
At my home system I have to uninstall and reinstall each time a new version comes.
Else my XP system hangs at boot :frowning:

And now is seems like I must try the same on my mothers PC because of mail problems.


Your sig is not helpful. ::slight_smile:
Which avast…?
Which version…?
Other security related software…?

Latest avast!
Win XP SP3
Windows Firewall (tried to disable that)

Have same configuration on my PC and there it works.
And it worked here too until latest update

Forte Agent is a dated news client. (Latest version is from 2009…!!)
Why not use a real (up to date) mail client…??

Agent is just soo good.
And the build in news reader.

And it’s not an Agent related problem.

Trillian can’t check mail either, same error.

I believe your problem may be in the forty agent account settings is that port 587 is a secure port so just saying no to SSL in the account settings won’t work. Avast will see the port 587 and try connecting securely (or because of that fail to intercept it and you get the error).

And "smtp.domeneshop.no" 587 no encryption.

Try changing the forte agent account settings to port 25 the regular non-ssl smtp port and avast SSL Accounts should be set to port 587 (which it probably is). Initially leave the avast SSL Account setting for that connection at Encryption = SSL; if that doesn’t work then set it to encryption = None.

It’s open. Just need another port to get passed my ISPs firewall.
Also I use the same setting both places.
And I get the error on POP3 as well.
Trillian only logs in with POP3 to check for new mail.

I have no idea what “It’s open” means ?
Well since I can’t see your avast SSL Account settings I can’t comment further than I already have.

I have tried without anything in the SSL settings.
I have tried with both POP3 and SMTP there, set without security.
I have tried with both POP3 and SMTP there, set to SSL security.

And as I said, it works at home.
And did work at my mothers PC before, but not now.

I just have to try reinstalling avast! for her (again, sigh)

Just in case you need it: https://support.avast.com/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=842