I am using Avast Free edition for home use. Performance is good. My question is, when I use pop3 and SMTP in Outlook express using port 110 and 25 respectively, it is scanning. But when I am using 995 & 465 port then it is not scanning. those are secure ports for gmail server. Is there any option to scan 995 & 465 ports also ? I tried to scan those ports by entering those port numbers in Internet mail->Redirect option. But it did not work, waiting for a long time. I mentioned the ports for pop3 as 110,995 and SMTP as 25,465, but it is not working. Is there any solution ?
You said your gmail is secure. Avast, no any other av can scan secure mail due to the encryption. You need a 3rd party program like stunnel. A search on this forum will give you more info on downloading, setting up and running stunnel.
First of all, it’s not possible because Gmail uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer) connections. Avast mail scanner doesn’t support SSL (Secure Socket Layer) connections. But take a look here: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=10428.0 to see how to set up secure email with avast!.
Since SSL/TLS e-mail is encrypted and decrypted in the client, external virus scanners (including avast!) can’t read or scan it.
The solution is to pass e-mail in and out un-encrypted from your client (Outlook Express, Thunderbird, …) to a proxy program (Stunnel) that does the actual ssl or tls encryption/decryption of the pop3/smtp e-mail and communicates directly with the ISP server on the appropriate ports. Another drivers (OpenSSL) are need as a library of encryption/decryption routines.
Stunnel now comes as an installer which installs Open SSL and Stunnel so now you just have to download the installer version from here http://www.stunnel.org/download/binaries.html
Feel free to ask for further help 8)