why POPUP disappear after update on my pc & and my laptop has it ,could anybody explain it ?
SOS,thx a lot 4 u
why POPUP disappear after update on my pc & and my laptop has it ,could anybody explain it ?
SOS,thx a lot 4 u
What popup would you be talking about and what was updated ?
"the update successful"popup disappear after update on my pc & my laptop has it。
"the update successful"popup disappear after update on my pc but my laptop has it。
Have you updated your laptop as well ? popup’s only last for 20 second’s then disappear.
You can also configure how many seconds it should stay there into avast settings.
I install avast! free antivirus 6 based on the default setting on my pc and laptop,but pc has the "update successful"popup and laptop haven’t
btw,both has the latest def datebase,only my question is : pc has the update popup & laptop haven’t
Is avast working fine on both ? dont know why one would have it and the other doesn’t.
yep,fine on both except this problem.
Well as long as it’s working i wouldn’t worry, just keep an eye on it to see if you get the popup’s with future vps update’s.
ok,thank u
also,I guess this is a BUG.wanna offical come here explain it