Popup Notifications in Avast

I’m new to Avast and am trying out the free home version. It’s been recommended since I use Firefox and Thunderbird, not Outlook.

Anyway, when I first intalled Avast, I’d get popup messages on the bottom right of my screen for every web page and every time my email checks for new mail.

I don’t understand how to turn the notificaitons off, while having the scanning still happen. I’ve played with the settings and they are now off, but I’m not sure what I did. :slight_smile: Looked through the forums some too and I didn’t see an answer, even though I’m sure it’s been discussed before.


The ‘Show detailed Info on performed action’ is disabled by default, so it would appear you have been tweaking your settings.

You will need to do this for each provider you have changed, Standard Shield, Customize…, Advanced and uncheck the option.



Okay thanks. I was wondering if it had anything to do with Silent Mode, but now that I look it appears Silent Mode just moves naughties to the chest without comment. Or so I understand.

No nothing to do with Silent Mode, your assumption about silent mode is correct. Personally I don’t use silent mode, because I want to know what is going on with my system.

Welcome to the forums.