I have been having huge problems with nearly every good website that I go to. For example, I can go to Find-A-Grave; then when I want to click into the hyperlink for more information about a person. The cursor will be in an arrow shape. When clicked (just becoming aware that it was doing this) it will automatically redirect me to something like the following: hxtp://testpc24.digit-services.org/dsaer?erdo=D4olOmIbmw65o9Gb4LDeIFpV3eguO6aE8RJSiNXOW4Y.&subid=MzA2MjJ8NzA4OTZ8MjIzfDYwNjc4fDE0NTE5MzQyMjV8YmU0Yzc3Y2MtNDlmZi00Nzc5LWM3ODgtNmExNDUwNTE3OTBmfDI0LjE0OC4xNDEuMTQ4fGZiNWY2ODMwNzM3ZTEyMzA0MDBhNWU2YzYzOTY5MWU0&v_id=KuAFMduI6bXE9aeGROdalecmhOmWwY1iwmaD6aElT68.
Or something like: hxtp://feedbackexplorer.com/customers/browser/anounce/PS4/index.html?subid=MzA2MjJ8MTYxMzM3fDIyM3w2MDY3OHwxNDUyNDQwMDg1fDg4ZTM3NGY3LWEyYmEtNGQxZS1jZGQ5LWY2YjU0YTdlNTQzNXwyNC4xNDguMTQxLjE0OHxjMWEzZTgwMDFlNmMxYTlkODY3Yzc1OWVkN2VlYTE1OQ==
This is occuring in Mozilla and I have recorded more in Google. How can I get this to stop. All of the websites can not be bad. Thank you for your help.