bonjour, je suis français , excusez de ne pas écrire en anglais !
1/pourquoi les valeurs du port changent-elles quand on protège le courrier avec avast le port était à 110 par défaut et maintenant il est à 1092 .
2/pourquoi sur certains pc la valeur ne change pas ? merci .
hello, I am French, excuse me for not writing in English! question: 1/why does the number of the port change when one protects the mail with avast. The port was set to 110 by default and now it is at 1092. 2/Why on certain PC’s does the value not change? thank you.
Babelfish translated and corrected by me to (hopefully) be closer to the original meaning.
What particular port number do you mean (where is it) ?
Maybe is nothing or a worm. Please, go to and check your vulnerability. Then run also A-Squared and Microsoft Anty Spyware. You can easily find them on the web with Google or Ixquick MetaSearch ( ). Check your lsass.exe application.