Note: I didn’t find a topic that address my issue so I’m posting it. If there’s another one that does answer my question, then I’d appreciate a link to it and sorry.
So I tried to open up port 9995 to play Hammerwatch with some friends. Ran PFportchecker to see if it’s open. Isn’t. Not on TCP or UDP.
Then I tried going into Application Rules under Tools > Firewall and giving PFportchecker full connection. Nope.
Did the same for Hammerwatch. Still no.
Then I tried a website to check the port. Also nope.
None of it worked until I turned off the firewall, so that’s definitely what’s stopping the connection.
Now that the backstory is done, what I’m asking is this: “How do I get the firewall to allow data through port 9995 or any other port for that matter?”
Thank you for your time and help.