port setting for e-mail scan(internet) pop3

Hello. Sorry to bother you guys. I have used Avast for four years and love it. Saved me several times. Way better that Norton. I am trying to use Choice Mail to cut down Spam. It acts as a proxy the same as the internet scanner does. Is there a port setting I can use for Avast or C M so that I can run both at the same time?Rght now both are set to 110 and after a couple of minutes i do not receive errors but cannot download e-mail. Thank you very much

Which proxy does it use? ?
Maybe you can do something similar of what is posted here: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=3413.60
Do you use avast! for 4 years and only now you’ve registered into forums? Better late than never :wink:

You know what? Im truly sorry to bother you guys. Everyome else gets welcome to forum . All I get is criticized that in four years I never posted. That would be because I try to find the answer myself rather than ask somrthung you can read on the homepage. All I wanted was alternate port assignments so I could run both these programs together. Hey, have a good one

I don’t think that Tech meant it the way that you read it. I feel the impression was that after 4 years , no problems great and welcome. However if you wait a bit one of our e-mail gurus will pop (geddit) along to give some help. In this area I am a bit of a moron… Other areas I might be able to help ;D

  1. Did you not see the smiley at the end of the line?
    Not wishing to put words in Tech’s mouth but I think it is a bit of light hearted fun and certainly not anything derogatory.
  2. The link Tech gave you, he had to do a search for and I believe it does relate to what it is you are looking for. If he was going to blow you out for not being a forum member having been an avast user for 4 years he would have gone to the trouble of finding it for you?

So I believe Tech has tried to help you and if you feel it doesn’t help, do you think that you comments are likely to have him or other volunteers here rush to find a solution?

It’s becoming difficult to post and not being misunderstood.
Thanks David and Essexbox.
I could not understand your needs.
After all, what do you want to know?
All I wanted was alternate port assignments so I could run both these programs together
I tried to help and post a link for a thread that say how to configure two email programs: spam killer + email program itself + avast.
You know, maybe it’s time to me to stop trying to help after all…

OK Tech, enjoy feeling put down … but …

you know you enjoy helping …
you know you are good at it …
sometimes we all put things in a way that others misunderstand …
tomorrow is another day, clean, fresh and waiting for you to shine!

Keep up the good work … you know we all love you (most of us … most of the time).

Of course, now I feel obligated to try to help … damn you Essexboy (or Essexbox if you prefer)…(just kidding).

So EREAL, if you cannot resist peeking in here after all, … let’s try to make sure we do not mislead you. What operating system and email client are you trying to use with Choice Mail?

Hi tech and everyone else well another day, love reading your posts and answers, the one thing i have been able to tell those that come online on other forums ,that the avast forum is one of the happiest ones out, you ask for something and you get it done.

I have praised this forum up and avast in general, that I have been asked would I become a mod on a new forum that is trying to get up and running, so thanks guy’s for your help, and I could be in time, asking for help, also will be trying to steer people towards a good antivirus, which he is aloowing me to promote.

That is why all my posting will come up with the logo sasha done for me.

I think you guys are good, keep up the good work.

If English is not your mother tongue then sometimes what looks good comes out slightly different to a native English speaker. Please everyone make allowances for that and try to see what the real meaning is. Keep up the good work Tech, otherwise everyone will be subjected to my drivel

To Tech: I do apologize. I applied the mentioned settings and everytjing seems to be working. 98SE Pegasus mail


very happy to hear that things seem to be working for you … that will also help the next person with requirements similar to yours.

Good to have you here in the forum!

I’m glad I’ve could help in anything 8)

Hi tech glad to see you are back in the family, now I wait with baited breath to read your posts and learn, ;D ;D.

Nah it was the option of getting everyone to suffer my ramblings that did it, he is too kind to make them suffer 8) Willkommen back tech