I am guessing this has been addressed before but I could not find the answer when I searched the forum.
I installed avast and got an error 10048. So I uninstalled my spamware. I am no longer getting the error message but when I check my email outlook express for hotmail seems to be checking without error. However my other email isnt getting through. It gives me a different error:
The connection to the server has failed. Account: 'mail.asapchoice.com', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E
does anyone kow how to correct this? I have looked thru the help file but I can not understand it. :-[
avast changes the inbound server to for its email scanner. simply cahnge the back to whatever it was origonally and it will work fine. you can get this info from your ISP.
You mean you want to get rid from avast protection?
The pop server (localhost) is necessary to avast for scanning the Inbound messages. If you do not want to use it so you do not want avast to protect your email accounts.
Close all your email programs.
Run the Mail Protection Wizard and remove avast protection.
Open your email program again. The settings will be returned to normal. If not, adjust them. But remember, you won’t be protected… :-\
The last thing I want to do is dismiss Avast. However, I can’t get my email from Auracom when the pop is changed from mail.auracom.com to ( I think it is just an Auracom thing ).