

I am setting up a new firewall on my network and I would like to open only the ports that I use could sombody please tell me ?

I know that 80 and 24 are probably two of them but thats it.


Mounier Network

You should start with making sure that all ports are closed and then open only the ones really needed.
Which port need to be opened is system/network setup specific.

For a decent port list you can have a look at http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers
Let your firewall (at least in the beginning) warn you.
That way you can see what application is trying to use a certain port and you can say yes/no to it.

And ofcourse there is more to security than just the firewall :wink:
Have a look at this site too http://www.markusjansson.net/erecent.html
It has many good tips for setting up security.
And have a look at my site (see my signature), I hope you never need the instructions there.
But you never know…