Every time my desktop starts up after sleep, Avast takes a long time checking things out.
Go to Settings>Updates and change the time (default is 240 mins)
Although I am not sure that this is the issue
- Do you have anything scheduled for Avast on boot-up?
- What and how many things do you have during Start Up on your machine? There may be non-essential things that you can “disable” (not uninstall).
- If the above fails to fix your problems, you can also try this:
Open the Avast UI > Settings > Troubleshooting > click the last box “Load Avast services only after loading other system services”
Let us know if this helps your problem. If not, please be more specific with your situation (example what exactly is Avast doing when it is “checking things out”). Thank you.
I have changed the setting fpr updates to 1440 minutes (which obviously was the default)
All I can say is I loaded Avast with default settings, and literally every time I came out of sleep, Avast was rotating down on the lower right of my screen and everything took a long time to load.
If I had task manager up, Avast update was doing its’ thing.
Brad-Man welcome to the forum! One thing you can do is from the UI click “settings”…click “updates”…click “manual”. This gives you the choice of when to update. If you do this don’t forget to update.
@ Brad-Man,
Please go back and read Post #2 and answer my original questions and suggestions.
@ Para-Noid,
The OP states he already changed the update settings from 240 min. (default) to 1440 min. Having the OP do “manual” updates would not be recommended over an “Ask for updates” setting. In addition, the OP has not tried the suggestions posted in my original Post #2 or answered the questions yet. By disabling nonessential programs on start-up, this will decrease start-up time and less that Avast needs to scan. If the OP has other security software on the machine (he/she does not tell us what they have), they could be competing at start up, but the OP could delay Avast at start up with the suggestion I posted. The more information the OP can give us, the better we can help him/her. Thanks.
All I was trying to do was to offer an option. That was all I was trying to do. I admit it was not the perfect option. It was an option none the less. I agree when users have issues the more info they provide the better.
@ Para-Noid,
I know you were. You know me, and I meant it as friendly feedback as well as giving more information to the OP as to why we need more information from him/her. Peace.