Possible asking question in french language ?


I’m sorry but my english is very bad and poor… :-\

I have a problem with avast! 4 Home Free Edition when installing it on my notebook ACER 1520, but I don’t know how to explain it in english. Is it possible that I ask my question in French language ?

Is there anyone here understand and speak french ? :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you very much for your answer.

S’il vous plaît … merci beaucoup !!!

Well, this is an English forum, but you can write to support@avast.com in French, if you like.
I’d say your English is very good, though.

Using English will mean more people on the forums can try to help you, I can’t speak French but I know of Babel Fish http://babelfish.altavista.com/ on-line translation service, it might not be perfect but we should be able to understand.

Employer l’anglais signifiera que plus de personnes sur les forum peuvent essayer de vous aider, je ne peuvent pas parler français mais je sais du service de traduction en ligne des poissons de Babel http://babelfish.altavista.com/, il ne pourrais pas être parfait mais nous devrions pouvoir comprendre.

Your English is fine much better than my French.
Votre anglais est très bien bien mieux que mon Français.

I Hope this translation makes sense ?
J’espère ce sens de marques de traduction ?