I’ve been using this Program for about 2 years on Win XP and there’s never been a warning concerning it. I also deleted the file and replaced it by the one of my roommate but again the warning popped up. As my roommate’s scanner, Avira Antivir Personal seems not to find anything, I suppose it’s a false positive.
I just posted in the false positive thread about that. I have the same problem on 4 computers that I have WoW installed on. It happened following last night update.
Thank you for your advise I now also emailed my files.
Meanwhile a GM in the WoW-Europe-Forum of Nera’thor where I first posted my problem gave an all-clear.
I also excluded the files from the avast scanner but I still get the warnings when I start WoW. So even if it’s supposed to be a false positive I would be really glad if it could be fixed.
I posted this in another thread pertaining to this topic but felt I should repost it here for others – a Blizzard poster posted the correct MD5 for the valid version of the file in THIS THREAD. Their copy of the file is 2B86BC28A32426105B6D7B8CBC5FABC1 – my version of the file matches this but Avast! still hits on it.