Possible FP in Windows Error Reporting.

Avast! detected a Win32:Crypto-G [Drp] in my Windows Error Reporting file.
The exact location is: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportQueue\Critical_mbam.exe_3fdc980e4e699e9e0f684ae9d2135448c81fe85_cab_13ed3706\WER146D.temp.hdmp
The file size is: 186 MB.

This file is in the Dead-Man’s chest.
It’s too large to send to VT and others for analysis.
I can NOT Submit to the virus lab… as avast! is not sending it! ???
Avast! sends other files to the virus lab with no problems, so this behavior can’t be a bug.

As its only error reporting files, I believe it should be OK to Delete it?
Should I get this to your Virus Lab for an analysis and program update to prevent possible future complications with other users?

Better send it to the virus lab…to avoid any problems :wink:

Did you actually READ my post, or do you need help with English?

“I can NOT Submit to the virus lab… as avast! is not sending it!” ???

sorry! but i really dont think there shuld be any malware in that file try uploading here:


again…did you read his post ?

The file size is: 186 MB.

Ether you know what your talking about, or you don’t.
You can read English and understand it, or not.

@true indian
Stop Trolling My Post, Let Someone Qualified Give Me an Answer.


ignore detections on memory dumps.
