So whats with the VT scan showing nothing? 0/19???
And what happens from here, is the site owner or the host notified of this?
I would sure like to have this resolved, I would like to use there services again.
The VT “scan” isn’t a scan at all, it just checks the url against blacklists. Blacklists always lag behind infections when it comes to legit sites.
By all means, report it to the sites webmaster if you wish. Someone might have done it already, if you start getting virus alerts on your site, it usually does not take long for someone to inform you. But it couldn’t hurt to let him know, just in case.
to scan at VT for the infection you need to download the html and upload that to VT. Sonething i can not do froom my Nokia phone…but if you wait 8 hours to after work…,
Next to the avast flagged issue with images/spacer.gif [Spyman malware], the following code at the site also deserves attention: suspicious
[suspicious:2] (ipaddr: (script) -pagead2.googlesyndication dot com/pagead/ads.js
status: ( 11642 bytes 801d92f3f23999c4778ddcdae56f305e0fd84bbc
info: [decodingLevel=0] found JavaScript
See also:
Seems that leads to a 404 page, which appears to have been hacked. (You can tell it is the 404 page, since any link that doesn’t exist will generate an alert - because it leads to a 404 not found page.
OK, so the Flipmytext redirects to a dead link.
Its the redirect that avast! is detecting and blocking, even though there’s no trojan at the other end.
So in your HO, is the site safe to use?
Could this be just sloppy web site maintenance, a link to another service on there site that was not completely removed?
The new owners might have changed site developers and they could of changed and over looked something like this, being unfamiliar with the history and development of there service.
One of the changes I have noticed is all the FB/Twitter/LinkIn/Bebo/etc links and icons.
Lots of good fun stuff on the site though!
Their 404 (not found) error page (and possibly others) is infected. Any dead link you click will lead to this page.
I wouldn’t say it was safe. There is nothing to say that in the near future the redirect is changed to a site that is active or the site already there becomes active.