Possible fp?

Hello Everyone!

I’ve realised that I can’t enter wXw.fringepecs2010.hu or wXw.budapestfringe.hu because Avast says there’s a trojan called: JS:Packed-BB [Trj].
Could anyone check if it is an FP or I should take it seriously?
Thanks very much!


Please ‘modify’ your post change the URL from http to hXXp or www to wXw, to break the link and avoid accidental exposure to suspect sites, thanks.

The first site redirects to the second URL, which, has been hacked with a script tag after the closing HTML tag, a standards no, no, see image.

Hi martjay and DavidR,

They apparently working on the site, for I got (Level: 0) Url checked:
Blank page / could not connect
No ad codes identified
No zeroiframes detected!
Check took 0.00 seconds

(Level: 0) Url checked:
Blank page / could not connect
No ad codes identified

Empty source could not connect to site,


Well it is still there (got the alert), so I don’t know how the analysis site you used couldn’t access it.

Hi DavidR,

Indeed connecting to it gave the avast alert, and I disconnected. The blank page result was from
http://jutaky.no-ip.org/index.php? The scanner may be offline. It is a private initiative and sometimes this is what happens. Thanks for alerting me to it.


No problem.