I dont know what this was but i did a search on google for a way to access a restore partition on a emachine desktop (been reinstalled so no software there, but still has partition). I came across this site that asked to scan my system. I clicked the X in the up right corner and then it did this thing and said tht I had infection and then tried to get me to install some stuff. I immediately tried to shut down firefox but I could not. I could not even right click on the icon on the taskbar so I logged out to forcefully shut it down so i did not get infected. Here is the link to where it led me too.
here is a link to the file it tried to get me to download
Hi I found a video where they show a trojan virus (Xtotal) for
access to the remote Computers also there is the address of their creators hackers
PS through the Google translator with Russian language
video address:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jw2WYUDm0wE&feature=fvwrel
аvast did not recognize the trojan
I was scrolling through google images and must have scrolled over a link for this same site. hxxp://defender-tpda.in/scan3/167/freesystemscan.exe
For sure it is a scam to get you to download from their website. They are impersonating windows defender and trying to make you believe your own computer is contacting you. One way to always be sure. Anything from windows will NOT open in a tab of the browser your using. And all windows messages if connected to the internet, always opens in IE.
Be sure to erase your cookies after going there. And if you have firewall software just stop inet traffic when something happens like this or just pull out your internet cable. Or lock your router if you have one. It, for sure, will stop anything from being dumped on your computer if blocked.
I had to take care of this one on my ex’s pc last month.
then a few days ago It struck me and I quickly "X"d IE shut down
and that stopped it from completeing its download and getting a
grip on the system.
My Question is, why didnt Avast catch this ???
I know you are right, but if it is in avast’s range of issues to add, they are soon to add it when we post it.
Do you know that avast is only a few %% points behind Norton 360
Avast! detected 98,51% malware, while Norton 360 detected 98,84%.
Both better as average, that totals 97,7%
source: http://www.av-test.org/index.php
Not bad, not bad at all, and with a little added non-resident SAS, MBAM scanning, and some in-browser security,
I feel awfully lucky to be on avast6,