Possible ROOTING takes link to porn site

Hi guys,

I help a group that works to prevent human trafficking. Recently one of the links we use to help others seems to have been rooted. The link does not go to where its supposed to and ends up in a porn site.

I don’t want to post the link, due to the content when it takes you to the wrong page. The link should be valid.

I think its been ‘rooted’ or something like that. Can anyone help find out more? I can PM the link but it is NOT for open disclosure until it leads to the right area.

Send that link password protected to virus@avast.com
and an avast team member may respond with an advice,


What is the best way to password protect the link?

Actually, I just got clarification. What is occurring is a porn site is using and displaying victim advocate material on their page as well as porn.

Anyone have any idea how to work to get the ads of my legitimate friends off this site?

Save it in a text document > ZIP it using WinRAR and put a password on it like “Infected”.

Make sure you include the password in the email

Actually what occurring is the site is a known porn site. I misunderstood.

The site is hijacking images from these survivor sites we have set up and displaying them to their page. It is creating the porn site to come up when victims and advocates are doing normal searches for resources.

(I know, how low can these perps get)

How can they protect their website from this kind of hijacking, or do you want me to make another thread for that?

What could work is blocking traffic to that site on server level.

Perhaps it is enough to use the .httaccess file