My computer has been running fine ever since I cleaned out my computer since my last visit. However I decied to run another scan today, and alot of files were detected, but they couldn’t be scanned.
I’m using windows xp
Here’s the file name:
C:\Documents and Settings\Ray\Local Settings\Temp_avast4_\unp54307871\brm840.gpd… file could not be scanned!
I’m not sure if that’s a virus, or not. Any help is greatly appreciated
All av-apllications can not scan password protected files since they don’t know the password.
The file you mention is a temporary file. You can safely delete it. In fact, you can safely delete everything in C:\Documents and Settings\Ray\Local Settings\Temp
The file is put there by Avast, likely during a scan. I’m not sure but unp54307871 looks like a folder Avast is using/has used when scanning a archive. The UNP could mean unpacked. But as I said, I’m not sure about that.
I’m sure that if I am wrong about this, someone will jump in and tab me on the fingers