Possible Virus?

Instant Messengers:

  • MSN Messenger
  • ICQ
    - Trillian Messenger

P2P Shield:
- Kazaa & KazaaLite

  • Direct Connect
  • Direct Connect++

What do you want or need?

-= Spyware you mean…? Some Antimalware/Antivirus flags them as spyware…

What is it? :-\

I think the answer is quiet simple…
Trilian Messenger is, like the name already says, a messenger :wink: (like icq or windows live messenger)

Kazaa and KazaaLite are File Sharing Programs…

Don’t know if this is the information you needed…
By the way this information can also be found via Google or Bing or Yahoo! or …
(I really like Bing by the way! :wink: )


hXtp://www.KaZaa.com? ???

Yes, I think so. :wink:

-= A warning, in case someone wants to download Kazaa…


-= Trillian Screenshots, Videos & downloads at CNET

There also is a Betaversion of Trillian Astra (4) available at their homepage:

It seems to be stable.


EDIT: This info can also be found in the “Updates” Topic. → here

-= The aero-like effects looks great…