Possible virus?

Hey everyone, Kind of new to posting on the forums but long time user of avast.

Okay so a bit of background, Yesterday I noticed my avast needed an update. Okay seems normal I went ahead on updated. It was only later that evening that I checked my router network log ( Virgin media with a super 2AC ) and I noticed this in the log…


So I figured, “ah it’s probably due to avast updating” But today, at the same time ( minus several seconds ) I see this in my network log today.


Okay so now I’m getting concerned, I went ahead and checke my event log and I saw at the same time as the events in the network log I see these.


The Avast scan came back clean and so did my scan using malwarebytes

Am I infected? Has the Avast update caused an error somewhere? any help offered would be appreciated…

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Am I infected?
Ask your doctor ;D

If you want us to check your system :

The logs will tell us much …
Monitoring …

after looking up and trying some things it seems avast itself is the problem when I updated it back on the 2nd. Whenever avast or I do a scan for network threats. The issue at the start of the thread pops up.

Although I’m not so much worried now…or should I be? I’m not sure if this issue has been reported by others recently but I can confirm that the lastest update has something to do with it.

hey p515 please follow the guide eddy posted above and attach a log from mbam and frst+adation. From there dbrisendine will have a look at your system. sorry for the typo pondus :slight_smile:

Well here is the MBAM log attached. Had issues installing the others unfortunately :confused: My mistake, must have done something wrong.

I added the logs for FRST, sorry about that.

FRST is not installed, it runs directly. What problem do you get?

My mistake, must have done something wrong, got it working and added the logs to my post above.

Are those logs good to go on? or do ya need anything else?

Logs are correct, now you wait for dbrisendine to look at them :wink:


Oh and I would just like info on if my machine is infected or not. Idk if you can do one of those remote control things, I’d rather you didnt if you could do.

I mostly just want to know if I’m infected or if the avast update buggered something up.

We do not need remote control.
The log files is what we need.
Have patience.
A malware remover will soon be here helping you.

Right, Okay, just making sure.

Your logs are clean; no sign of malware there.

Have you tried flushing your DNS cache?

Glad to hear and I just did a flush upon reading this reply.

Keep us posted; if you used the ipconfig flushing command, it will take a bit for the DNS cache to rebuild itself.

Yeah that’s the one I used. It’s the only one I’m familiar with haha. I’ll post an update on if the message returns.

Well the issue is still there, Happened again around the same time.

It simply has to be the latest avast update, I’m wondering if a uninstall and reinstall would work?